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About this Project


This project's main objective was to trace various pages of type keeping in mind printers marks to become familiar with the layout and shape of serif and san serif typefaces as well as develop our hand-eye coordination to eliminate the need for tracing in the future.




B&W Textbook Cover 

B&W Garamond Page 

I must say this page was a nice mellow process. That's not to say it was not helpful. Quite the contrary as this was the first tracing paper that featured san serif type. With that said I definitely have familiarized myself with san serif typefaces a lot more.

This page was very tedious however, I believe it served a great purpose in teaching about drop caps and body text. In addition, this page features a Flush left-ragged right paragraph alignment and I feel that tracing it helped me become comfortable with the layout.


B&W Garamond Characters Page 

I began my project by completing what I thought to be the most challenging one first. In hindsight, I believe throwing myself straight into the fire served to be beneficial to the sequential pages.

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